Event 1 Econcentric Art & Science Symposium

On April 21st, I attended two lectures at the Ecocenteric Art and Science symposium: Prophecies & Predictions. One with artist Linda Weintraub and one with James Gimzewski. In the first lecture, Weintraub discussed a lot of artists but the one i found most interesting was Jae Rhim Lee. Lee challenged the assumption that humans constantly pollute earth. She decided to show how humans can, instead of polluting, benefit and help the environment. Lee discovered that urine could be used as a fertilizer. She proposed this idea to the world by moving into a gallery, where she put herself on a diet that consisted of spinach, tofu, and nuts, to create a good fertilizer from her urine. The urine she produced  was used to grow cabbage in the gallery and anyone who wanted to try the cabbage at the gallery was able to. This shows the connection between art and science because Lee proved things through science but  presented her findings to the public through art.
This image shows the mobile living unit that Lee lived in the gallery. The living unit contained a urine processing system that allowed her to grow the cabbage. Lee used both art and science to bring change to the world in a creative way.
In gimzewksis lecture, he talked about nano bubbles and Dr Marino Morkawa. Morkawa, who discovered nano bubbles, saved the wetlands in Peru with nano bubbles. The wetlands were filled with waste, bacteria, and other pollutants. Morkawa created nano bubbles to work as a magnet for bacteria when it reaches the surface of the water. Within 15 days, Morakawa noticed  significant difference in the wetlands.
I really Enjoyed the lecture and would highly recommend a friend and others to go. The lectures showed me how people make huge contributions to the world for better by using science to present their ideas. Not only that, but they were creative with their discoveries and ideas. This encourage me to think differently to help make contributions and change the world for better.


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