
Showing posts from April, 2017

Week 4: Medtech + Art

Niiler, Eric. "Mind-Controlled Prostheses Let Hands Feel Again : DNews." DNews. N.p., 8 Oct. 2014. Web. 29 Apr. 2017.   Medical technology mixed with art is another version of the blending of science and art. Discussed in the lecture video, human dissection was a very frequent phenomenon going back to the era of  the ancient egyptian's that fused anatomy with artistry. Direction allowed for knowledge and understanding bone structure and anatomical makeups that dissectionists had to be aware of when making their artistic incisions. Medical technology has progressed and is used everyday across the world in ways like: x-Rays, MRI's, and CT scans. The increase of use and progress in medical technology was a direct result of the increases progress and understanding if the human body, which is a form of art. Niiler, Eric. "Mind-Controlled Prostheses Let Hands Feel Again : DNews." DNews. N.p., 8 Oct. 2014.  Casini, Silvia. "Magnetic Resonance Imag...

Week 3: Art & Robots

           In Lecture Professor Vesna discussed how robotics came about in relation to assembly lines. The car company Ford was first to use robotics in an assembly line to create  faster way to get car production done instead of human labor. Henry used the idea of an assembly line so that his workers could make more money and almost be turned into a middle class worker. But this created problems because with Taylorism, workers felt like they were being turned into machines and being treated like machines as well. So with this idea, people didnt know what to think of it because it had pros and cons. Next Professor Vesna discusses robots.  She discusses how the first robots we learn about are cyborgs and how many movies use cyborgs as in between humans and robots.                       ...

Event 1 Econcentric Art & Science Symposium

On April 21st, I attended two lectures at the Ecocenteric Art and Science symposium: Prophecies & Predictions. One with artist Linda Weintraub and one with James Gimzewski. In the first lecture, Weintraub discussed a lot of artists but the one i found most interesting was Jae Rhim Lee. Lee challenged the assumption that humans constantly pollute earth. She decided to show how humans can, instead of polluting, benefit and help the environment. Lee discovered that urine could be used as a fertilizer. She proposed this idea to the world by moving into a gallery, where she put herself on a diet that consisted of spinach, tofu, and nuts, to create a good fertilizer from her urine. The urine she produced  was used to grow cabbage in the gallery and anyone who wanted to try the cabbage at the gallery was able to. This shows the connection between art and science because Lee proved things through science but  presented her findings to the public through art.     ...

Week 2: Math and Art

Professor Vesna's video lecture was very interesting to me because prior to taking an art class in highs school, I did not associate Math with Art. Professor Vesna stated math is the study of relationships between numbers and I never thought it could relate to art. Once I took the art class I realized just how much art and math are related and the necessity of math to create a simple piece of artwork. We use math for art all around the world today and can even trace is back thousands of years ago. I now realize how important it is to have correct measurements and spacing and direction of lines to make things realistic.               In the video Lecture Professor Vesna explains Leonardo Da Vinci's impact on art and his use of linear perspective to create realistic paintings. In "The Last Supper", Da Vinci uses linear perspective by making the vanishi...

Week 1 Post

 I’m Aaliyah Jordan, a 1st year softball player from San Diego, California. I've grown up in in an environment of art and not science.  My grandparents are very religious and have taught us to side more with Religion and not science. Growing up I bought into the  idea of religion and never really questioned that because I trusted my grandparents and my family. I was very separated from science and never thought about it. Like humanities and science, my life has been very separated from softball and school. I've played softball since I was 4 years old and it's always been school on the weekdays and softball on the weekends. The two never really conflicted with each other or influenced one another because they were two separate aspects of my life and I  never saw them as the same. Once I got to UCLA that changed dramatically for both seeing the split between humanities and science and also seeing them together. Bruin Walk North and South campus map of UCLA ...